For those of you in the States, a very happy Thanksgiving… and for the rest of us, let’s celebrate another day of gratitude for the lives we have been gifted! I want to share a personal gem from my journey with you today – another message from a place I call The Women’s Fire. This […]
‘Feminine Leadership’ for BBC Radio Guernsey
Some of you know that I was recently invited to speak in Guernsey about Feminine Leadership for a wonderful women’s network called The Women’s Development Forum. It was a real gift to be there and as a result of this event, I was also invited to do an interview with BBC radio Guernsey. Here’s the […]
Living Your Authentic Leadership
Do you ever stop to ask yourself: Am I being and expressing who I really am? Am fulfilling my purpose and my unique potential for making a difference? Am I valuing my true gifts and the wisdom I have to offer? Asking these questions, I believe, is where we begin the life long journey of […]
Welcoming 2013 – a free audio, guided reflection and personal ceremony
This new year of 2013 marks ‘the year of the feminine’ – calling us to our feminine leadership and inviting us to bring our gifts confidently to life as change agents and culture makers for a new world. If you haven’t already done so, I’d like to invite you to mark this transition and embark […]
21.12.12. – time to let go?
You’ll know that 25,627 years ago (give or take a few minutes) the Mayans created a calendar which ends today, 21st December 2012. As long as we’re still alive, this simple fact makes today a pretty amazing and auspicious day, especially as it is also our Winter Solstice – a potent time for some deep […]
Hearticle – Awakening the Heart of Feminine Leadership
It always amazes me that when I have an inspiration about what I want to contribute through my leadership and commit to it, I get thrown head-long into the same development pathway that I’m offering to others! I suppose this is the same thing as teaching what you most need to learn. And I’m pretty […]
It’s my birthday and I’ve a gift for you!
Happy Spring and what an amazing way to start (in the UK as least) with such gorgeous, uplifting weather. I hope you’ve had a chance to enjoy it. It’s my birthday today and so I want to share a special gift with you. Not because I want anything in return but because I’ve been […]
Take a breath – it’s International Women’s Day!
Happy International Women’s Day! (Don’t forget to listen to the audio of a special guided ‘WhiteSpace’ practice at the bottom of this message!) It’s on days like this that I take a deep breath and take time to appreciate the privileged life that I have. It’s a good day to celebrate being a woman particularly […]
Will You Make 2012 Your Breakthrough Year?
I have one wish for you this year – that you have the magical breakthrough that you really want in order to create what you most desire for your life and your leadership in 2012. Before the New Year I shared a WhiteSpace practice with you to support you in ending 2011 well and promised […]
Restoring our Feminine Leadership – from scared to sacred
An Evolutionary Perspective Article for the 3rdi Magazine, June, 2011 I’ve been passionately on the path of supporting women in leadership for many years now and yet it’s only in the last few that I really started to feel the magic of the extraordinary collective journey we are on as women. When I began to […]

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Awakening the Heart of Feminine Leadership
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Awakening the Heart of Feminine Leadership
Be yourself. Value your gift. Make a bigger difference
Discover the 8 essential doorways to your feminine wisdom and bring your true gift to life

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Awakening the Heart of Feminine Leadership
Be yourself. Value your gift. Make a bigger difference
Discover the 8 essential doorways to your feminine wisdom and bring your true gift to life